Hire a CTO to build a DeFi MVP

6 min readMar 15, 2021

Your business has just made the transition from concept to reality. You’ve earned enough money to recruit a core team, but you don’t have any CTO. Hire a blockchain specialist CTO from Kryptomind.

When you get ready to start developing your product, you’ll need to figure out how many developers you’ll need and which roles you should focus on first. One of the most important decisions influencing the development and evolution of your company is hiring the right chief technology officer (CTO) at the right time. There are numerous variables that influence when and how a startup hires a CTO. Since every business is unique, each startup can need to recruit a CTO at a different time. Hiring a CTO may even be detrimental for others.

A company’s success is strongly affected by its chief technical officer. This is one of the executives who works in both the technology and the corporate realms. The CTO’s main goal, at every stage in your company’s life cycle, is to ensure that your business interests are expressed in your product by the most effective use of technology. A CTO’s job entails as much management, business advice, and risk management as it does technical skills. Many startup founders hire a CTO when, in fact, they would be better off hiring a solution architect or senior software developer. In certain instances, this individual will assist with fleshing out the entire technology solution, recruiting developers to develop it, providing progress reports, and even coding.

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) Explained

DeFi refers to applications and peer-to-peer protocols built on decentralised blockchain networks that allow for easy lending, borrowing, and trading of financial instruments without requiring access rights. The Ethereum network is used in the majority of DeFi applications today, but many new public networks are emerging that offer better speed, scalability, security, and cost savings.

Decentralized finance, or DeFi, is an umbrella term for a range of public blockchain technologies and initiatives aimed at disrupting the conventional finance environment. DeFi refers to financial applications based on blockchain technologies, usually using smart contracts, and is inspired by blockchain technology. Smart contracts are enforceable agreements that are automated and can be viewed by anyone with internet access. These contracts are executed without the need of an intermediary.

The Advantage of DeFi for Business

To see the potential of DeFi you need to understand why people are opting for this relatively new technology. Traditional finance depends on banks and courts to serve as intermediaries and arbitrators. There are no intermediaries or arbitrators needed in DeFi applications. The code outlines how any potential conflict will be resolved, and users retain complete control of their funds at all times. This lowers the costs of providing and using these goods and makes the financial system more streamlined.

Single points of failure are avoided because these new financial institutions are built on top of blockchains. Since the data is stored on the blockchain and is distributed through thousands of nodes, censorship or the possible shutdown of a service is a difficult task.

Deploying a DeFi application becomes much less difficult and safe since frameworks for DeFi applications can be developed in advance. Another important benefit of such an open environment is the simplicity with which individuals who would otherwise be unable to access financial services, may do so. Since the conventional financial system depends on intermediaries making a profit, their services are often unavailable in low-income areas. However, with DeFi, the rates are considerably smaller, and low-income people can take advantage of a wider variety of financial services.

Role of defi Chief Innovation Officer

DeFi native and smart-contracts wizard who can assist in the design, creation, and deployment of a next-generation Ethereum protocol. Experience leading development teams and being a part of protocol(s) that have successfully delivered valuable DeFi products to Mainnet.

The tasks of all the founders shift drastically, but none more so than the CTO’s. The CEO is in charge of the company’s vision, funding, and strategy, whether it’s at the Seed or Series B level. Regardless of team size, the COO ensures that the organisation runs smoothly.

The CTO, on the other hand, transitions from a code-all-day technical generalist to a manager of managers in charge of scaling a team to carry out the company’s plan. You go from being concerned about programming to being concerned about people. And, let’s face it, programmers aren’t known for their communication or emotional intelligence (though eventually that misconception will change!).

The reality is that a CTO who is ideal for an early-stage startup may be disastrous for a later-stage company. This is true for any role in a fast-growing organisation, but the CTO position is particularly difficult to fill because: The enormous shift in the role’s requirements over time. Finding someone with good technical abilities AND high levels of emotional intelligence and leadership capacity is challenging.

Role of Blockchain Project CTO

1. Choosing a software architecture

2. Setting project deadlines

3. Solidity coding

4. Experience of Dapp integrations.

5. Creating documents for developers.

6. Keeping track of and monitoring the work of developers

7. Development on Linux or MacOS

8. Developers’ Team Training and Skill Development

9. Product and Dapp deployment

10. comprehensive experience in both desktop and web-based applications

11. Golang or C++

12. Protocols or peer-to-peer applications are being created.

Plan, integration, and implementation of the decenternet architecture

14. Distributed architecture/systems, integration, financial reporting, and blockchain/distributed ledger technology (desirable).

CTO with Blockchain Experience

The company’s Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is the company’s most senior blockchain technologist and represents technology preferences within the senior leadership team. The CTO is responsible for the company’s technology platform, websites, services, databases, wallet, and cloud infrastructure distribution, quality, availability, and performance. The principle of blockchain smart contracts, for which Solidity was developed, is understood by the Blockchain CTO. To create a solid dApp (application that runs on a decentralised peer-to-peer network), you must first master the following concepts: peer-to-peer synchronisation; the idea of the ledger as compared to relative databases; and basic DLT implementation.

Demand of Blockchain Senior Developers & CTO

The market for blockchain developers has skyrocketed as a result of the proliferation of blockchain-based apps and crowdfunding. If your firm seeks to get ahead of the blockchain innovation curve, you can look for blockchain developers with the necessary skills. Recruiting these in-demand developers appears to be a difficult challenge for both existing companies and start-ups.

Hire a CTO who can scale with your company

If you’re starting a company (or have already started one), make sure to ask yourself this question of your co-founders: can this guy scale? Many aspiring co-founders ask if they should use a development agency to start their MVP and then recruit a CTO later. That is something I strongly warn against. Early-stage companies frequently need to pivot, and development services are costly. The project is almost certain to go over budget, and you can bet the department would not operate for free. You’ll need someone who is invested in the project and willing to work extra hours.

· The CTO’s role should be very hands-on. He or she should be able to code and inspire the company’s developers to build scaled systems.

· He or she must be a partner or co-founder of the startup, not just an employee.

· Change must be accepted by the CTO. He or she should be able to experiment regularly and fail quickly.

Hire our Chief Technology Officer (CTO) For MVP Development

Top-notch DeFi Development Company

With years of experience in developing decentralised applications for innovative organisations all over the world, blockchain is a DeFi software company that believes in performance.

Core Tech Team

Our Core Technical Team consists of enthusiastic and innovative developers and experts with years of hands-on experience with software creation, blockchain, and Decentralized Finance protocol development, and Defi

Mobile app development.

We design and build Financial Decentralized Applications (DeFi) for a broad variety of industries, including insurance, loan and finance, credit card offerings, utility and startups.

Our skills represent a vast subset of the following

Are a fullstack app and/or mobile developer (reactive or native) (reactive or native)

Understand reactive programming with JavaScript, Meteor.js, Web3.js, or similar libraries

Have been experimenting with distributed ledgers, blockchain, IPFS or related technologies

Understand Ethereum, the EVM, Golang, Solidity and have published smart contracts before

